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What is natural cycle IVF treatment? Know its advantages

From the beginnings of Reproductive Medicine to the present, Assisted Reproduction treatments have evolved. It began with IVF in a natural cycle, and progress has been made in relation to ovarian stimulation using different hormonal compounds. While it is true that the routine incorporation of ovarian stimulation in IVF cycles has improved results, it has also increased the possible risks and the multiple pregnancy rates. Kenya IVF clinics prioritize the well-being of the patient with natural cycle IVF.

What is natural cycle IVF?

Conventional IVF and artificial insemination are the most familiar treatments to most people. Many patients wonder what natural cycle IVF is when they first hear about it. It is a fertility treatment in which the best quality ovum that the woman has generated in a natural way is obtained to then proceed to its fertilization in the laboratory.

The women produce oocytes in each cycle naturally, and with this IVF, the goal is to extract the best of them all, performing ultrasound monitoring to control the ovulation cycle.

cost of IVF in Kenya

Advantages of IVF in the natural cycle

The views on the natural cycle IVF are generally very positive. And it is that the advantages that this treatment provides are many. Some examples:

• No medication

• Absence of anesthesia in ovarian puncture

• Less operating room time

• Reduced Treatment cost of IVF in Kenya

What differentiates IVF in a natural cycle from other treatments is that it is a harmless process, which avoids the aggressiveness of the medication.

Step by step process of IVF treatment in the natural cycle

As a general rule, these are the steps that are followed in any natural cycle IVF treatment :

• Initial examination- The IVF clinic performs an ultrasound in the first days of the cycle. Thus the doctor confirms that the patient is ready to start treatment.

• Control ultrasound- With the aim of monitoring ovulation monitoring.

• Follicular puncture in the ovary- The oocyte is extracted vaginally at the appropriate time when it has matured. Anesthesia can be avoided as it is a quick and painless process. The intervention lasts no more than 5 minutes, with an admission of fewer than 30 minutes.

• Fertilization of the ovum- The egg is fertilized with selected sperm using IVF or sperm microinjection (ICSI).

• Observation in the laboratory- The embryo remains in the incubator for 2-6 days. Its evolution and viability are checked during this time, and it is decided if it is good enough to transfer it.

• Embryo transfer- The embryo is introduced into the woman’s uterus with a very simple intervention.

• Pregnancy test- It is done 10-12 days after the transfer to know if the gestation has been successful or not.

Conclusion: Natural cycle IVF is recommended for patients who seek to avoid ovarian stimulation and embryo freezing, in addition to those who have a good prognosis and do not need great stimulation. If this is your case, visit an authorized clinic for IVF in Kenya that can recommend the technique that best suits your conditions and needs.

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